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Your Spiritual Birth
A Visualization Prayer For Expecting Mothers
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A Visualization Prayer For Expecting Mothers

Creating a new Global mindset of pregnancy and birth

I can not recall a time in my life that I did not associate pregnancy & birth with fear.

In fact, until I happened to have experienced (by chance) a pain free birth I didn’t know the option existed. It’s as if there is an association of dread hovering over the subject of birth. I feel it, even in daily conversations that I have with expecting mothers, there is much uncertainty in the unknown of the birth of their child. And when there is unknown there can also be fear and … pain.

I recently spoke to a friend in her 20s, she herself is newly married and her sister, also newly married, is expecting a baby soon. They had seen the writings about my pain free birth, and were fascinated at the possibility of pregnancy being a sacred time to connect to the soul wisdom of their future baby and to experience a cosmic opening of light that is available during the pregnancy, labor and delivery.

I loved seeing this possibility for them. Most of the women I converse with are pregnant and have already birthed a child. They have decided that pregnancy and birth have to fit into a certain box of traditions and once that has been decided it is difficult to change the mindset.

I want so much to be able to break through to create a new reality of pregnancy and birth for our generations to come. If you are reading or listening to this and want to see that break through as well, join me in this collective visualization prayer for all the expecting mothers in the world:

Dear Expectant Mothers of Our World and Future Mothers To Be,

Your future pregnancies, and births, WILL be filled with Light.

Your past pain WILL be transformed.

The wisdom of gentle birthing WILL be gifted to you.

You WILL be open to receive soul to soul connection with your future babies.

Regardless of the length of your labor you WILL receive endless strength and support.

When fears try to enter, You WILL feel love surrounding you always.

Your WILL power is unstoppable!

This can be repeated in the first person as well:

I am an Expectant Mothers of Our World (or I am a Future Mother of Our World)

My pregnancies, and births, WILL be filled with Light.

My past pain WILL be transformed.

The wisdom of gentle birthing WILL be gifted to me.

I WILL be open to receive soul to soul connection with my babies.

Regardless of the length of my labor, I WILL receive endless strength and support.

When fears try to enter, I WILL feel love surrounding me always.

My WILL power is unstoppable!